Sometimes it is necessary to prolongate standard Bitrix test period because when developing a large project 30 days are not enough.
So to change the expiration date you should:
1. Open the file /bitrix/modules/main/include.php, it is obfuscated
2. Format the code from the file using, for example
3. Search the file for the word “OLDSITEEXPIREDATE”
4. We are looking for strings:
1 2 |
$GLOBALS[___194666148(118)] = OLDSITEEXPIREDATE; $GLOBALS[___194666148(119)] = array(); |
I’ve got this strings on lines 978 and 979
If we decode them, we’d get:
1 2 |
$GLOBALS["SiteExpireDate"] = OLDSITEEXPIREDATE; $GLOBALS["arCustomTemplateEngines"] = array(); |
5. Before those lines there are 2 more:
1 2 |
$GLOBALS['____775262004'][67]($_2120651516, $_671325857); $GLOBALS['____775262004'][68]($_2127057936, $_895978193); |
I’ve got this strings on lines 976 and 977
They are equal to:
1 2 |
define( "OLDSITEEXPIREDATE", $_671325857 ); define( "SITEEXPIREDATE", $_895978193 ); |
6. If we change $_671325857 and $_895978193 to 1682990400, this is 05.02.23 in unix format, we’d prolongate test period.
7. You should also comment the for loop before these lines(I’ve got this loop on line 975):
1 2 |
$GLOBALS['____775262004'][67]($_2120651516, $_671325857); $GLOBALS['____775262004'][68]($_2127057936, $_895978193); |
To sum up
Old code:
1 2 3 4 5 |
for ($_707311407 = (1316 / 2 - 658), $_1499012735 = ($GLOBALS['____775262004'][62]() < $GLOBALS['____775262004'][63]((1116 / 2 - 558), (808 - 2 * 404), (1328 / 2 - 664), round(0 + 2.5 + 2.5), round(0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25), round(0 + 2010)) || $_671325857 <= round(0 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5)), $_1119037036 = ($_671325857 < $GLOBALS['____775262004'][64]((898 - 2 * 449), (938 - 2 * 469), min(134, 0, 44.666666666667), Date(___194666148(115)), $GLOBALS['____775262004'][65](___194666148(116)) - $_547501663, $GLOBALS['____775262004'][66](___194666148(117)))); $_707311407 < round(0 + 3.3333333333333 + 3.3333333333333 + 3.3333333333333), $_1499012735 || $_1119037036 || $_671325857 != $_895978193; $_707311407++, $GLOBALS['_____671748018'][11]($_229081977)); $GLOBALS['____775262004'][67]($_2120651516, $_671325857); $GLOBALS['____775262004'][68]($_2127057936, $_895978193); $GLOBALS[___194666148(118)] = OLDSITEEXPIREDATE; $GLOBALS[___194666148(119)] = array(); |
New code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
/* for ($_707311407 = (1316 / 2 - 658), $_1499012735 = ($GLOBALS['____775262004'][62]() < $GLOBALS['____775262004'][63]((1116 / 2 - 558), (808 - 2 * 404), (1328 / 2 - 664), round(0 + 2.5 + 2.5), round(0 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25), round(0 + 2010)) || $_671325857 <= round(0 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5)), $_1119037036 = ($_671325857 < $GLOBALS['____775262004'][64]((898 - 2 * 449), (938 - 2 * 469), min(134, 0, 44.666666666667), Date(___194666148(115)), $GLOBALS['____775262004'][65](___194666148(116)) - $_547501663, $GLOBALS['____775262004'][66](___194666148(117)))); $_707311407 < round(0 + 3.3333333333333 + 3.3333333333333 + 3.3333333333333), $_1499012735 || $_1119037036 || $_671325857 != $_895978193; $_707311407++, $GLOBALS['_____671748018'][11]($_229081977)); */ $_671325857 = "1682990400"; $_895978193 = "1682990400"; $GLOBALS['____775262004'][67]($_2120651516, $_671325857); $GLOBALS['____775262004'][68]($_2127057936, $_895978193); $GLOBALS[___194666148(118)] = OLDSITEEXPIREDATE; $GLOBALS[___194666148(119)] = array(); |
Changing the expiration date this way will stop Bitrix autoupdates, so you’d better buy a license.